Friday, September 21, 2007

stricmp() in Linux

OK. This is a short one. I would say I'm still pretty new to be a real fulltime Linux developer, so this is the first time I met this problem.

I've been using stricmp() for a long long time but this is the first time I found there's no stricmp() in Linux. Instead, Linux has a similar function called strcasecmp() (also a corresponding strncasecmp() ). Besides that, these two functions are not defined in string.h, instead, they reside in a separate header file called strings.h. That's it.

This is really annoying especially when you are considering portability.


Anonymous said...

Helped me thou hast.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, that helps!

CrossFire said...


leonardo.pignataro said...

thanks a lot!!, I was looking forward this info!!

Anonymous said...

Man, talk about crappy comments.

Look, what do you suggest then?

I cannot believe the comments you have here are from people with the reading comprehension to actually read what you wrote.

For me, I will probably simply typedef the name for windows code.

Anonymous said...

It's even more fun because stricmp is deprecated in favor of _stricmp (at least in MSVC).

Thanks for the tip!

fuma said...

Thanks a lot this Post was very helpful! I was trying to compile my Program in Linux (worked fine in Windows + Cygwin) and was getting mad with these "out of scope" errors ;)

Pix3l said...

Simple and concise! You've been a great help :D

Anonymous said...

it is still in string.h